Are movies are art-form, a form of entertainment, or both? Tell us about your favorite movie: why do you like it as much as you do? What do you look for in a "good" movie, or what criteria are important to you when you define a "good" movie?
Movies are both an art-form and entertainment. They bring happy, sad, and give us visual enjoyable. I prefer the science fiction films and the horror films, which have power to make my all sprite following their screen and scenario. They can control my heart. I most like the movies which open a different world for us, like Resident Evil, Spirited Away, Jurassic Park etc.
Form those kind of film, I most like is Spirited Away. It is a cartoon film, have lovely and special people, colorful images and wizardly word. It described a story of a girl fall in a special word and saved her parents. And also make people thinking what will you do, if you face that problem, can you been so brave and persevere in your primitively ideals as the girl in the movie. I think a "good" movie life inspiration; make people have good influence from the movies. And it is better to have creative and impressive.