In our teams presentation we had enough prepare and my team members are very excellent. They are very good, but I had little nervous. In my process, I was not nervous when my partners speaking and at the beginning I spoke. But in the middle I spoke wrong order; when I should spoke about the influence of civil war, the PPT was about novels. After that I began to speak very fast and my voice maybe listened nervous.
The most difficult in presentation is I always felt a little nervous and worried to forget what I should speak. So I had taking the papers which have content of my speaking, though most content already have in power point.
Then the easiest is the progress to making power point. I enjoying finding beautiful pictures and designing the power point, and hoping it more enjoyable.
Most people in their presentation is very good, not nervous and their speed of speaking is good that not quick and not slow.
I think the cooperation in my team members could be improved and have better prepare. I need to conquer nervous, the next presentation will better.